Friday, 25 July 2014


We are but naive worshipers
Of redemption through words
Hoping to  relentlessly
Fill the fractures in our souls
And faults in our fate
Through well-scripted fantasies.


He spoke endlessly of how small an entity we are
Of the growing universe, love and magic in our hands
But in that one moment
It felt like the whole of universe dwelt in his eyes
Like magic was all mine, for an endless instant. 


They tried.
They warned me against my end that was u
Only, you were the beginning of all that was me
The end of my sorrow, my pain, my regret.
I was hiding beneath the mask you tore open
Layer by layer, i unfolded.

I wrote you in the stars, the galaxies
When came the night, bathed in ur glimmer

molded you in the sky- heedful of fragile clouds 
When came the rain, drenched in your tears 

I saw you in the rainbows- in the vivid hues and the myriad tints
Engraved deep in my veins, I cleansed my soul with yours 

­They warned me against an end that would be u
an impending tragedy- your  repellancy

But long after you've been gone 
In search of brighter stars, fuller galaxies and  softer skies 
I've been broken, mended and broken far worse again
A constellation of words have been let loose
Far too many sunsets have been spent in solitude

And I must have a broken judgement, to want it all over again
To accept the years of destruction, for a few moments of your sunshine.